I have never been someone really into academics, but most of the time I'll still pass with a B-C average. That's the main reason why I thought going to CSN would be the smarter way of approaching college rather than a university. Being here has improved my ability to learn and apply my skills more than any previous school has. Being in a classroom where everyone is reaching for the same goal (to learn and to pass the course) and a professor that is willing to stay extra hours and gives extra resources to help you succeed is a great environment to be in. There's a computer lab, library, writing center, free tutoring, and more. These resources motivated me to improve and succeed in any course I take on.
Going into my second year at CSN, I have already improved my listening skills and possess way better studying habits. This class is one of the most challenging for me, but again, with the resources given and a professor there willing to work with me one on one, it would be almost harder to fail the course than pass.