Monday, September 23, 2019

My Second Year at CSN

I am already about a month into my classes, so I figured it's about time I made my second post. This is my second school year attending CSN, but because I failed this course one too many times I'm still considered a freshman. I recently declared my major as business and although I don't know exactly what I'm doing with this degree, it's nice to know what direction I'm going in.

I have never been someone really into academics, but most of the time I'll still pass with a B-C average. That's the main reason why I thought going to CSN would be the smarter way of approaching college rather than a university. Being here has improved my ability to learn and apply my skills more than any previous school has. Being in a classroom where everyone is reaching for the same goal (to learn and to pass the course) and a professor that is willing to stay extra hours and gives extra resources to help you succeed is a great environment to be in. There's a computer lab, library, writing center, free tutoring, and more. These resources motivated me to improve and succeed in any course I take on. 

Going into my second year at CSN, I have already improved my listening skills and possess way better studying habits. This class is one of the most challenging for me, but again, with the resources given and a professor there willing to work with me one on one, it would be almost harder to fail the course than pass. 


  1. Second year at College of Southern Nevada, second chance to pass IS101. Improve your time management and focus and you will pass IS101-3026 :-) Stay motivated Julia ^_^

  2. There is always something to fix once you find it you will soar.

  3. This will be my 2nd semester. I hope that I can figure my strengths and weaknesses out so I can make it to 2 years. You've came a long way there's no place but up from here.

  4. Tell me about this is one of the hardest class that I take if you not a computer person, It's hard but like you say with a teacher like Mr.Wu it's motivate us.

  5. We are lucky to be at a school with so many great resources.

  6. There is always chances to improve and You'll pass IS101 this time I know it!

  7. You are going to pass IS101 along with the rest of us. One day you going to look back and laugh. Keep reaching for the sky you going to make it.

  8. CSN does offer a lot of resources.

  9. We all gonna pass mate, Think positive.

  10. College can be hard but, If you put in the work and time you'll definitely be successful.

  11. Its good your capitalizing on your weaknesses! Shows true growth.
