Monday, October 28, 2019

Word Exam

Last Saturday I spent almost six hours at school. If I told one of my friends this they'd think I was lying. I came in early to make sure I was eligible to take the exam and by the end of class I was. I took the exam right after class and after failing this first test twice in the past I finally passed it! I feel such a big weight lifted off my shoulders.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Catching Up

This past week has been like a full time IS101 job (if that were a thing). It's not the content that's difficult but my procrastination in this class has put quite a load of work on me. I put the hours in, although I should have put in even more.

I came to a couple hours early to get help with the steps I struggled with. Today by the end of class I''ll be eligible to take the first exam. I am so thankful Professor Wu is always here early and late. Not only would I still be way behind but I wouldn't have this much of an understanding of the material either!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

IC3 vs Cengage

I was going to wait until I actually took the first Cengage exam to compare the courses but I will update more after I do so. So far in this newly formatted course it has been very straight forward and compared to IC3 the topics are a lot more focused on key things rather than a wide range of things we may not really need to know for the exam or in the real world.

IC3 had a lot to cover in each lesson and module while in Cengage its more like 10-20 steps. I would get a headache and have a hard time doing more than one module because it would be like 30+ steps. The projects weren't as straight-forward as these ones, but I think a big part of the confusion has to do with your instructor. Professor Wu is very hands on and takes the time to attend to every one individually. My last instructor didn't do much to clear up any confusion. This course compared to my last experience is a lot better and I haven't even tested yet.