Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mac in IS101

Having a Mac in this class is not recommended because everything we are doing is on Microsoft which doesn't come with Mac devices unless you buy the apps. I got this laptop over four years ago so there's not much I can do but work with what I  got.

At the beginning of the semester I had a hard time with some of the module steps because it's more difficult to do it on a Mac laptop, but what I found out is that it IS possible to achieve almost everything on the Mac version, it's just a little harder. On all but one of the excel modules I've done so far I've been able get 100%!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Excellent! Thank you for sharing your experience of using a Mac. Very glad to hear you are able to reach 100% on most of the modules ^_^ But the GMetrix practice exams do not work on Mac OS.

  3. I have never been a big fan of apple due to the limited adjustments you can make to the software in general.

  4. I'm glad you figure it out keep up the good work.

  5. Macs for sure have their pros and cons.

  6. I was going to get a mac, but this class turned me away from them.

  7. Good to know. I've always wanted a Mac for the ease of use with recording software.

  8. I love my Mac but I have the same issues. I have to do everything on campus.

  9. I always wanted to get a Mac computer, but I have realized that with coding they aren't the best either. What is apple good for>?

  10. I don't want any part of an apple computer honestly.

  11. I came so close to getting a mac before this class!
