Sunday, December 15, 2019

Final Stretch/ IS101 Overview

I am almost done with Fall 2019 semester! I scored a 100% on two finals, 90% on one, and have been pushing to finish all my projects in IS101. This by far has been the most challenging semester so far of my "college" experience.

I started this draft on Friday, but it is now Sunday and I just got back from the computer lab working with Professor Wu. I completed all the assignments I needed to to be successful in the class! It is bittersweet this semester is coming to an end. I have challenged myself a lot, and really found my weak areas that I will continue to work on.

An over view of this semester in IS101, I was the procrastinator in the class without a doubt. I took the class before and failed, this time around I really feel like I left here with so much more information and understanding of computer systems. I made my own webpage (with help of course). The assignments that were similar or may have been the same as my first time taking the course were laid out in a way I could understand and receive help to finish, whereas my first class I don't think I did one assignment right because of how the instructions were laid out. The blog, resume, and webpage were the assignments I found most beneficial this course. I now have many platforms people can view. Without such a good teacher, I don't think any student in this class would feel as successful or well-taught. The class I dreaded I am now so happy I successfully took on, I learned so much!


  1. I'm with you on that one this class was a learning experience.

  2. It's not how you start but how you finish :-) I was a procrastinator in my earlier college days too but I evolved my mindset to be proactive instead of reactive and focusing on projecting the best attitude and results instead of 'what do I have to do to be done'. The semester may be over but I still have two more days before I finalize students' grades. Finish strong, Julia ^_^

  3. It was a really great learning experience!

  4. I wont lie. I dragged a$$.(hehe)
    This class has to be one of the best learning experiences I've had so far. I definitely am ready to take on the next semester.
