Sunday, December 15, 2019

Final Stretch/ IS101 Overview

I am almost done with Fall 2019 semester! I scored a 100% on two finals, 90% on one, and have been pushing to finish all my projects in IS101. This by far has been the most challenging semester so far of my "college" experience.

I started this draft on Friday, but it is now Sunday and I just got back from the computer lab working with Professor Wu. I completed all the assignments I needed to to be successful in the class! It is bittersweet this semester is coming to an end. I have challenged myself a lot, and really found my weak areas that I will continue to work on.

An over view of this semester in IS101, I was the procrastinator in the class without a doubt. I took the class before and failed, this time around I really feel like I left here with so much more information and understanding of computer systems. I made my own webpage (with help of course). The assignments that were similar or may have been the same as my first time taking the course were laid out in a way I could understand and receive help to finish, whereas my first class I don't think I did one assignment right because of how the instructions were laid out. The blog, resume, and webpage were the assignments I found most beneficial this course. I now have many platforms people can view. Without such a good teacher, I don't think any student in this class would feel as successful or well-taught. The class I dreaded I am now so happy I successfully took on, I learned so much!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

MOS Excel Exam

Yesterday I  finally took came in and took the excel exam! My experience could have been better, but at the end of the day I passed and that's all that matters. The first project given was easy, but on the first task for the second project (the hyperlink task), for some reason my computer froze, not once, but twice... about twenty minutes of my time to complete the exam was GONE. Even though my screen wouldn't let me do anything, the time kept ticking. At that point I was so anxious to get the test done, I completely had to skip the second project to avoid it freezing on me again and when I say I never typed functions so fast in the last 45 seconds of the exam I MEAN IT.

My time ran out, I was one whole project short, and wasn't able to review the tasks I marked. For some reason when the test is finished it takes forever to see the score?? So, anxiously waiting for my score to load I was so relieved I got over a 700. I am going to retake it this week for a better score and I'm going for the PowerPoint Exam next!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thanksgiving Activities

Every year since I can remember my family goes Black Friday shopping the night of Thanksgiving and we see a movie the day after in the evening. We always eat early around 3-4 and clean up/rest after until 9-10 when the shopping spree begins. My mom taught me to go to Target as late as you can because when we checkout after midnight (into Friday) we get the BF sales + a gift card back. For some people, it may not be worth it- but for my mom who fills up a cart and a half it makes a difference! She makes us shop til we drop Thanksgiving night. Going to sleep at 3 in the morning just to wake up and go anywhere we didn't get to the night before. THE SAVINGS AND DEALS ARE VERY REAL.

This year, for our annual movie on Friday we watched Frozen 2. As I have mentioned before, my youngest sibling is an 11 year old boy. I feel like at this point my parents want to see the new children movies more than we do (I still was hoping we would see it though lol). I really liked the first one but this one was more of a musical than the first and I found Christoph and his reindeer's 5 minute song was what threw me off the movie. Some kids movies are for the adults too but this one was definitely more for the kiddos!